Hiring managers will be familiar with the fact that millennials are known for seeking additional things in a job opportunity, such as learning new skills, and knowing that what they are doing is making a difference to the world, as well as opportunities to give back to the community. But, what caught my eye in this article is how Gen Z is actually looking for what we might remember Gen X for, that is, some career stability and a career path from the opportunity. Gen Z were at an impressionable age during the financial crisis, and it seems that it has had an impact on how they embark on their graduate career. So whilst they may still be aware of portfolio careers, it's key to emphasise to them how a job at your company has a career path, by showing any internal promotions and growth. Searching for and attracting the best talent can be challenging, and by demonstrating an understanding of what candidates are looking for in a company and an opportunity, you stand more of a chance of attracting that top talent, and retaining it.