Finding good talent is easy, it's finding and securing great talent that is the challenge that fires us up as recruiters. Startups and large organisations both face their own set of challenges when hiring talent. However it's key for any size company to avoid a few fatal errors that can literally kill deals with great candidates. This article points out some key errors not to make, and perhaps the most resounding ones are around the  communication that a candidate receives and the timeframe that they experience in the hiring process. Letting a candidate know what you think of them, where the process is at and why they may need to wait for the next stage can help them to buy into you and your company and feel like you care about them. A candidate experience is often one of the only things that the candidate has to go on about the company so it can be quite influential. As a recruiter, you want to be the one in the driving seat and in control, so by giving a great candidate a great experience, you make the choice easier for them when they come to choose between their offers.