As of 4 April 2018 all companies with more than 250 employees will report on their gender pay gap to the Government Equalities Office (GEO). Companies will also publish details of the proportion of men and women in the company who receive bonuses and the breakdown of men and women in different pay quartiles. The two figures that are being reported on are the mean and the median pay gaps. The mean, also known as the average, is calculated by adding up all wages of all employees and dividing the figure by the number of employees. So the mean gender pay gap is the difference between mean male pay and mean female pay. As you can imagine, this data can be skewed by a handful of highly paid employees, which is quite typical in a company. 

The median is the figure that falls in the middle of a range when all wages are lined up from smallest to largest. So the median gap is the difference between the wage in the middle of the range of male wages and female wages.

When you're looking to make your next move it's worth considering this information on gender pay gap as well as diversity at the companies you are interested in. Don't just look at their website and brochures, make sure you have a walk around the office, find out what a typical team/floor/office looks like.  

Here at Sage we are stepping up our commitment to gender diversity through measures such as bringing in diverse talent, recognising female talent, helping women return to work and embracing flexible working throughout all levels of the business.

These are the sorts of great things to be looking out for. Interested in working with us? Check out our open roles! We are always hiring!